About the Site

The Canadian Classic Chevy Club (CCCC) started its life in the late ’80’s as all enthusiast clubs do: a group of people socializing over a common interest talking about things they’re passionate about. What was uncommon about this club was its indeed its common interest: tipping the scales at over 2-tons and featuring some of the most influential stylings and engineering designs in the automotive industry – these were the tri-fives.

Is there anything more iconic?

What used to be infrequent, unplanned and rather ad hoc get-togethers turned into massive yearly events called Classic Chevy Family Reunions (CCFR) that were organized, paid for, and run by the very same members of the club. Presidents, treasurers, and group heads were appointed to coordinate the efforts of CCFRs that would draw in excess of 100 ’55, ’56 and ’57 Chevys to small, rural towns causing would be passers by to stop and stare at the magnificent convoy of classic cars that seemed to run on forever.

The convoy of tri-fives rolls over the hills

Year after year, the CCFRs came and went and the sleepy little towns were awoken to the sound of purring V8s and sputtering inline-6s. However, the myriad of administrative duties required of the organizers become very onerous as club input wound down, coupled with yearly increasing dues to keep the club out of libellous territory should an accident occur during one of its events, a decision was made to formally shut the club down. The CCCC was no more.

But let’s not forget what brought everyone together in the first place: a common love for an iconic trio of vehicles. Over the years, those informal relationships forged over pistons and carburetors developed into deep, meaningful friendships that could not be kept apart due to lack of formality.

This very poignant thought hit me in this year’s CCFR when I was speaking with Rick leaning against his ’57 – he hasn’t been to a CCFR in 8 years (only slightly longer than my last visit) and he asked, how’s it going? I introduced him to my beautiful wife, Debby, and told him that we were coming up on our two year anniversary and he was almost floored. It seemed like only yesterday I was hitching a ride in my (then) Dad’s blue and white ’55 and here I am, married. 20 years I’ve known Rick. 20 years!

So the CCFRs will continue just as they have always done. Old faces will move along ushered in by new ones, and I look forward to welcoming all.

Lasting relationships

Ryan Matthews
CCCC Webmaster